26 Okt Kunstjacht

Kunstjacht 2025
This event is on SUNDAY OCTOBER 26th!!!
On the ART-QUEST day, Pjez Unik will hide 100 small artworks all over Antwerp. The ACEO Artworks are special made for this event by our artists. Try to collect them all!!!
2 methods:
1) Follow us that day through the different social media to find out where the Artworks are hidden. We will leave you clues on Facebook! Finders, keepers!
2) For those among us without a smartphone or social media, we also have a classic photo-search hunt. You can get a copy of the route & questions in the gallery, from 11am. (Kloosterstraat 53, 2000 Antwerp) All you need to do is fill in the questions and return it for closing time to the gallery. In return for a correct filled in form, you can get 1 of the 20 artworks reserved for this method! Last moment to start will be 16.00 as you need to be back with a filled in form at closing time.